Art: Spring Sun Catchers, Cottonwood Art Center
Colorado Springs, April 1
Participants: Operation TBI Freedom (OTF)
Thanks to instructor Alisha for leading this relaxing and fun time of making 3D art pieces that invite movement and color into the home.
Equine-Assisted Learning, Remount Foundation
USAF Equestrian Center, Colorado Springs, April 9
Participants: OTF & VA Hospital
This is a calming and centering time, and by the end of it, veterans and their family members reported how much calmer they felt.
Participants learned the basics of grooming and haltering horses and enjoyed a gentle trail ride.
Archery, RMS Gear
Denver, April 21
Participants: OTF, VA, Craig Hospital
Our expert instructors used recurve and compound bows to help everyone have fun on the range.
Art: Zen Doodle, Art Students League of Denver
Denver, April 16
Participants: Craig, VA
This fun class of sketching challenged everyone to use pencils, markers, and color — and their wild imagination.
Blacksmithing and Welding, Kilroy’s Workshop
Colorado Springs, April 27
Participants: OTF, SRU, VA
Welding and blacksmithing are always a good time. Participants engaged in the projects of their choice — and some who attend consecutively are beginning work on a Damascus blade.